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Welcome to Music City K9 Training!

Our goal is to provide affordable dog obedience training and behavioral solutions for all!  From puppies to older dogs, or rescued  dogs to pure breeds, we offer a variety of services to fit every need and budget!  Whether you have time to commit to daily training or need some help in that area, if you chose private lessons at your home or our park, or would like to join one of our seasonal group classes, we have something for you!


Training is as much for you as it is for your dog! Your dog wants to please you and once they learn how they will enthusiastically do so!

                                                                               “SURVIVING YOUR PUPPY” CLASS

“Surviving Your Puppy” class is a private lesson taught in your home. The class is designed to get you and your puppy started off on the right “paw!” It covers  the “dos and don’ts” of Puppydom and helps you avoid those pesky puppy problems!  People who take the puppy class avoid many of the issues we are often called on to correct later!

“Surviving Your Puppy” Class includes:

  • Crating – How to provide the perfect den for your puppy that they will actually like!
  • Potty Training & Feeding Tips – Our rules for Feeding and Potty Training to avoid anymore accidents, and tips on helping your puppy communicate their needs better.
  • ProperToys – What toys will bring out the best in your puppy and not encourage bad behaviors.
  • Teething, Biting, Chewing – How to avoid becoming your puppy’s toy and keep them from chewing up your house!
  • Socialization – Very important for a happy well rounded dog! Tips on how to SAFELY get that done.
  • Spading & Neutering – If you don’t plan on breeding your dog this is an important thing to plan for.
  • The class also teaches you how to positively reinforce good habits and how not to accidentally reinforce negative behavior, which can be a game changer!
  • This class also includes phone, text and email support after you’ve taken the class should you need any help along the way!

“Surviving Your Puppy” class pricing:  $150.


These lessons are for people who prefer lessons in the privacy of  their home and want to participate in their dogs training.  Private lessons at your home also offer the benefit of being able to assess your dogs environment and address the behavioral issues happening within it.

This course includes:

  • During this class your dog will learn all of the standard Dog Obedience curriculum such as Sit, Down, Stand, Various Heeling Techniques, Circles, Changes of Pace, Recall, Sit Stay 25ft for 1 minute, Stand Stay, and  Down Stay 25ft for 3 minutes.
  • It will also cover the behavioral issues you may be experiencing such as House Manners, Jumping, Pulling, Barking, Counter Surfing, Chewing Your Things, and Digging.
  • The course includes 5 consecutive weekly lessons including your test.
  • You will be given homework sheets and training logs each week to help you  stay on track.
  • Email and phone support are also included if you have any questions or issues in between lessons.
  • At the end of the class You and Your dog will receive a personalized graduation certificate, a photo of graduation, and a special treat for your dog!

Private Lesson Pricing: $750 collected at the end of your first lesson. We like to make sure we are a good fit first.

If you need or would like additional lessons beyond your 5 week course  they are $125 per visit.

Payment plans may be available in some situations.


This course is for dogs exhibiting behavioral issues that need more than a Basic Obedience course to correct.  It covers Behavioral Issues such as Leash Reactivity, Overall Reactivity, Aggression, Lack of Socialization, Separation Anxiety and Resource Guarding.  The course is 6-8 weeks depending on the need and situation.  We know this can be a challenging and at sometimes even scary situation for many people dealing with dogs with this issue.  We have helped SO many people with this issue! Please before you consider the rescue consider letting us help you!  Many times just changing some of the things your doing in the home can make such a big difference to your dogs understanding of their place in your family. 

This course includes:

  • All of the standard Dog Obedience curriculum such as Sit, Down, Stand, Various Heeling Techniques, Circles, Changes of Pace, Recall, Sit Stay 25ft for 1 minute, Stand Stay, and  Down Stay 25ft for 3 minutes.
  • It will also cover the behavioral issues you may be experiencing such as House Manners, Jumping, Pulling, Barking, Counter Surfing, Chewing Your Things, Digging, Reactivity, Aggression, Separation Anxiety, and Resource Guarding.
  • The course includes 6-8 consecutive weekly at home lessons including test.  2-5 of those classes may be away from your home at a nearby park or public space to work on our issues in a real world environment.
  • You will be given homework sheets and training logs each week to help you  stay on track.
  • Email and phone support are also included if you have any questions or issues in between lessons.
  • At the end of the class You and Your dog will receive a personalized graduation certificate, a photo of graduation, and a special treat for your dog!

Behavioral Modification Pricing: Starts at $1,000 for 6 visits, $125 per  additional visit.  Many times the issues can be corrected in 6 weeks but occasionally they may take a couple more.  Payment is collected at the end of your first lesson. We like to make sure we are a good fit first.  Payments for additional lessons can be made at the end of each additional lesson.

Payment plans may be available in some situations.


Enrolling now for Fall 2024.

We offer our Special Seasonal Group Classes a few times a year during the Spring and Summer.  The #1 Reason dogs are Surrendered to the shelter is lack of training.  The #1 reason given for lack of training is affordability.  We believe every dog should have the chance to have the training necessary for them to be in a happy healthy home, and not end up back in the shelter or worse!  We designed these special group classes specifically with people rescuing in mind to get the price down as low as possible, but of course they are open to ALL!  No More Excuses!  Every dog deserves to be a happy, healthy, and useful member of your family.  Training delivers that result!  Any training is better than no training but as far as Group Classes go.. ours will give you much more than your typical corporate class.

This course includes:

  • Class meets on the same day and time each week for approximately an hour for 6 weeks at our park.
  • You will be given homework sheets each week to help you remember what to do and stay on track.
  • Email and phone support is also included if you have any questions or issues along the way.
  • At the end of the class You and Your dog will receive a personalized doggy diploma, a photo at graduation, and a special treat for your dog!
  • Makeup lessons are offered should you miss a class in the schedule so you can rejoin the following week. Makeup classes are $60.

This class is NOT for dogs exhibiting aggression towards other dogs.

Group Class Pricing: $250. Must have at least 4 people in each class.

Get $25 OFF by referring a friend who joins a group class!

Copyright 2024 Music City K9 Training, LLC

Chris Steele – Bio – Client Videos – Graduate Photos


Chris Steele is the owner and instructor of Music City K9 Training.  He started training and showing dogs as a youth with Hillsdale County 4H Club.  That experience stuck with him throughout his life.  Always having a special connection to animals, training his own dogs, and helping his friends with their dogs and animals Chris knew this was his calling. After graduating from K9-University, part of the Canine Behavioral Specialists Network, Chris has parlayed that passion for training animals into Music City K9 Training. His goal is to give you the quality training necessary to transform your dog into a happy healthy member of your family!





“Chris was amazing! I have a working dog that was completely out of control, jumping on everyone, wouldn’t listen at all etc. I’m 38 years old and been around dogs my whole life and never seen a breed as difficult as a German short haired pointer. Chris was able to diagnose all of my problems immediately. Within a day I had a different dog. Now six weeks later I have the dog i wanted. Chris was there the entire time to help me. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you Chris!”

Jared Lounsbury & Karma

“Thanks to Music City K9 Training our one year old doodle brothers are doing better than we could have imagined. Our golden doodle Henry was so stubborn prior to this training program- he knew exactly what you were asking him to do but would deliberately do the opposite. Our aussie doodle Murphy has always been a great listener but has a jumping, nipping, barking and chewing problem. After this program.. they do not even seem like the same dogs. We have gotten so many compliments from neighbors on how well they are behaving; neighbors who knew our doodles pre- and post- Music city K9 training. I used to dread having to take them both on a walk by myself because of how they acted- now its actually enjoyable. Well worth the money!”

Rachel Benz, Henry & Murphy

“Working with Chris has been amazing! I started my puppy Frankie in puppy class and that was a life saver. Chris went over crate training and helped set Frankie and I up for success. We then completed K9 training and WOW! Between leash working, commands, and everything in between, Chris helped he cover all of my bases with training. Reading a training book was nothing compared to having Chris by my side while training. After a couple of weeks, people were asking me on walks where I was getting Frankie trained because he was so well behaved. One of the best things about working with Chris is how much he cares for the dogs he trains. Frankie LOVED training day and was always so happy to greet Chris at the door. It was also nice to have piece of mind knowing Chris was a phone call or text away if I was struggling with a part of the training for that week. He can talk you through the frustration when your puppy decides not to listen (and it definitely happens!). Chris takes to heart “because a well trained dog is a happy dog,” and I would add a well trained dog is a happy human! I am immensely happy with my decision to choose Music City K9 Training and would always recommend Chris in the future!”

-Madison Bosch & Frankie

“Oh my gosh. I cannot say enough good about Chris and Music City K9. He really worked with me and my pup to get her trained. She ACED it. She is part pit and boxer so I want her well trained.
He has lots of great tricks and tips. He is no nonsense about training dogs. He knows his business and he runs it well. He is also super responsive if you have questions about one of his pupils. (I carry his cards with me when I see a poorly trained dog! Ha ha!)”

-Keith Wisner & Truvy

“I cannot thank Chris of Music City K9 Training enough for helping me and my new rescue dog, Storm. When I first brought Storm home, it was evident that she wasn’t used to living with people, and she had many behavioral issues that I wasn’t sure how to correct. She didn’t understand any commands, she was constantly barking, and I also couldn’t even walk Storm for more than 10 minutes due to her pulling on the leash and attempting to run away because she was so easily distracted. After our first lesson with Chris, I noticed a major shift in her behavior. Simply by following the advice I was given, Storm was able to sit and heel correctly by lesson two. It was only uphill from there, and by the time we finished training, Storm has learned all of the major commands, she has no issues with her heel, her barking is no longer a problem, and she has mastered recall! Training with Chris has brought so much happiness to our lives because we’re now able to go on long walks, visit dog parks, and do all sorts of fun activities that wouldn’t have been possible before. If you’re in need of a dog trainer in Nashville, Chris is the one to call! All in all, our experience with Music City K9 Training has been life-changing in the best way possible.”

-Sherah & Storm

“Chris is an incredible trainer. He understands that all dogs are different with personalities and trains the dogs based on these differences. We passed our Basic Obedience Training today which is, honestly, not easy. I would so highly recommend him to anyone that needs a trainer who cares about the dogs and trains them perfectly!”

-Connie Barnes & Gunner

“One of my existing dogs was showing aggression toward a new dog. I had so much anxiety about a dog fight ensuing in my home. I called Chris in desperation for help! Chris assured me that he could help and peace would return to my home. He came to my home to begin obedience training for my dogs. Chris was so knowledgeable and helpful. After 6 weeks, my dogs completed obedience training and there is harmony among all the dogs. It would not be possible without Chris. Thank you, Chris.”

-Kristy Warren & Toby

“Many Thanks to you Chris. My other half was having a meltdown so I called Music City K9 Training. Hershey is a rescue, we’ve had her 11 weeks tomorrow and she was a challenge in the beginning weeks. She would not stay in a crate. She destroyed it. Especially when we left her in it. She even opens doors and lets herself out of the house. Not very aggressive, but was in new surroundings. Thanks to your help she is getting comfortable with her crate, her separation anxiety has started to ease. She is so well behaved and happy. The first time Chris met & spoke to her, she knew he was talking to her and responded immediately. Chris knows what he is doing. He gave me some extra tips and was on call if I needed him. Thank goodness I didn’t. I highly recommend Chris and Music City K9 Training. Chris was always polite and Hershey was always overly excited to see him.
Thanks for everything Chris! Hershey is such a smart girl. Thank you!”

-Tracy Harris & Hershey

“We were at our wits ends with our dog Gizmo. He would not listen, was super hyper, biting, barking (taking back to us) chewing on everything! We didn’t want to rehome him so we decided to try training. With just one session we noticed a difference with Gizmo. After completing the course we couldn’t be happier! Chris is great with our dog, Gizmo loved him from the first meeting and Chris knows all the tricks to get a stubborn dog to obey! He has a great knowledge base and the experience to back it up.
We would (and have) highly recommend Chris and Music City K9 to anyone who needs help with a stubborn or disobedient dog, or just wants to be able to have a well behaved animal and stronger bond with their dog.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!”

-Natalie Ealey & Gizmo

“Chris at Music City K9 Training is amazing! I just recently adopted our sweet girl Luna and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. she has seperation anxiety and hates the kennel. I reached out to inquire about the training classes and just giving some details about Luna, he gave me so much feedback regarding ways I could help her. I didnt pay a dime to get the help, which showed me that he loves and cares about what he does and isnt just in it for the money. I decided to take Luna through the classes and it was the best thing ever! Now she does so well with her kennel, she lays in her kennel in the morning without me having to force her in it. She no longer yelps and cries in the kennel. Everything about her has improved by going through these classes. I highly recommend these classes and I thank you Chris for working with me and never giving up on Luna and I!”

-Christine Stowers & Luna

“It’s almost like we have a brand new dog! The training we had with Chris was awesome! He helped us with the basics and now Aries is eager to learn and has fun in the process. Thanks Chris!”

-K.Y. Blige & Aries

“My pomeraranian is really spoiled and a diva. My biggest concern is her running to cars and trying to intimidate people passing by and worst, kids that just wants to pet her. While doing the class,and the help of Chris, we are able to break that habit and I am able to walk my pom now with peace of mind.
I am thankful to Chris for the patience not just with my dog, but with me as well????”

-Nica Rivera Santos & Lexie

“My dog Bailey was a bad puppy chewing up my house, trying to run Everytime the door opened but with music City K9 six week course she is a different dog and I don’t feel like ripping my hair out thanks to Chris your the best!”

-Shirley Hopkins & Bailey

“We are so thankful for Chris! He was awesome with helping us with our new rescue pup.  The poor girl had a rough start to life and was anxious and stressed out.  She would incessantly bark at new people and dogs.  Now she sits and stays when the door bell rings instead of scaring every person to come to our door.  It’s incredible!!  Chris was awesome at understanding what our pup needed.  With just a few training sessions it was like a brand new dog!  I would recommend Chris at Music City K9 Training to everyone!”

-Adam Witmer & Winnie

“Chris did a great job with our very stubborn dog.  Before Music City K9 Training he was horrible on a leash, and didn’t listen to any  commands.   Now he is great on walks, and has come a long ways on his manners!  Chris was great to work with and we really appreciate all that he did for us! Thanks Chris!”

-Mary Bruns & Zeus

“My 9 month old German Shepherd was in dire need of manners when I found Music City K9 Training. Chris was great with my pup and taught me several techniques that I use daily. We can finally enjoy walks around our neighborhood! I would highly recommend Music City K9 Training.”

-Alicia Graham & Bruno

“He was so patient and understanding with my situation, my dog is old and very set in her ways, but he took his time and helped us, the training sheets went over everything we did in that day , and I could contact him anytime I had any questions.”

-Destiney Rooks & Lucy

“Chris was awesome! We were having issues with our younger dog fighting with our senior girl. Chris came and helped us understand what was going on and how to correct this behavior. He trained Martini but also taught me how to work with her! Thank you so much”

-Donna Brigance & Martini

“Chris is great to work with and very knowledgeable! He gives easy tips for training your dog. We loved working with him to learn a variety of training commands. He gives out homework sheets each week that help you remember what to work on and is also available to chat if you have questions.”

-Danielle Smith

“Very easy to give Chris a 5 Star rating! Absolutely loved working with Chris! Winston learned a ton, and I learned just as much. I now have the tools to keep guiding Winston towards ongoing obedience. Chris is professional and gave us great tips for the in between days so we weren’t just learning in class days. His class is a crazy good value. Thanks again for everything!”

-Thomas Summers & Winston

“Chris was awesome with our dog Cash. He gave us multiple easily manageable tips for how to flip the switch with our dog and put us in charge. Cash picked up the training in just one day (with consistent practice) and we have noticed behavior changes in him that were a problem. I tried to get multiple trainers to speak with me to no avail. Chris was there for us and took the time to help us out. I would highly recommend him.”

-Maren Kurek & Cash

“Chris really stays attentive through the whole process, allowing him to communicate and address your needs at whatever level you and your dog come in at. Being super knowledgeable about all aspects of the journey. He definitely has impacted my dog and I’s relationship for the better. Your dog is going to learn stuff, but I promise you as the owner will get your training as well!! Definitely worth the money, if not worth more!”

-Paige Dahlen & Ladybird

“Chris is just the best. I took his “Surviving Your Puppy” class and he really helped me with my puppy, Big Larry! Thanks again Chris! ”

-Larraine Gerelick & Big Larry

“Chris is amazing!! I brought my very stubborn puppy to him and she has come such a long way in 6 weeks! Chris is so patient and makes sure to check in with you during the week to make sure you don’t need any additional help or alternative methods to work with a very stubborn and hard headed pup!…”

-Courtney Miller & Ruby


By scheduling classes with us via phone consultation and filling out the application for training services you agree to the following:

We accept?Cash, Venmo, Zelle, Checks, and most Credit Cards. We do not use Cash Ap etc.  There is a $50 returned check fee.

Payment either in full or your first payment in your payment plan is due at the end of your first lesson.  All subsequent payments are due at the end of each lesson.

Cancellations must be made 48 hours BEFORE your lesson or incur a $50 cancellation fee.  Same day cancellations will be billed for the full session price $125.  Re-scheduling with proper notice carries NO fee.  

While taking obedience classes, Client is allowed ONE postponement without penalty, provided proper notice is given.  The course is ideally six consecutive weeks long.  If it takes more than 7 weeks to complete your course due to cancellations, you will be billed for the additional weeks. 

All outstanding fees must be paid prior to your next scheduled appointment.  Classes are non refundable.

We understand things may come up in a six week period such as, doctor  appointments, family issues, etc. These may require you to miss a lesson, but in order for the training to be effective, it is imperative we stick to the time frame as closely as possible.  If you have to cancel without proper notice due to an emergency, death, etc., the fee may be waived. This will be at the discretion of your trainer on a case by case basis.  

You must provide a place for your trainer to park. Free parking is always preferred if possible. However if you live downtown or in an area there is no free parking or parking is very limited you must provide parking for the hour your instructor is there.

If you have tested positive for Covid 19, please take a screen shot of your results and include it in a text about needing to cancel.  If you have any reason to believe you have come in contact or may be positive, please inform your instructor with as much notice as possible.  We may be able to provide you with an alternative learning method such as an outdoor very  socially distant lesson or a Zoom lesson, depending on the situation. Thank you for your patience and understanding during these times.   

Copyright 2023 Music City K9 Training, LLC

Contact and Training Applications

CLICK HERE to fill out the “Surviving Your Puppy” Class Form

CLICK HERE to fill out the Obedience Training Classes Form

CLICK HERE to fill out the Group Class Obedience Training Form

or send us a message below

Music City K9 Training, LLC
MusicCityK9Training@gmail.com                                                                                                         P.O. Box 70674
Nashville, TN 37207-9998


Copyright Music City K9 Training, LLC 2022